Sunday, January 24, 2010

Happy New Year!


I feel like i have been posting on average every 3 months in the past year. I am being spread very thin these days but trust me, it is for a good reason; I am running two personal blogs, this one and my Michelle's Photos blog. I am the communications head for my company so i am in charge of a newsroom/blog and social network (FB/Youtube/Twitter, etc.) . And I head up a fan club for Jamel Shabazz, world renown photographer. Life is pretty hectic right now, so i don't have much time to do any personal blogging! But trust me i am not complaining. I embrace all of the attention and "calls of duty" LOL!

Here are some things ill be doing in the next month or so:

-Elizabeth and Aris' NYC themed "Seal and Sends" and ceremony programs.
-Etwaroo-Earle branding (more info to come...)
-Juanita and Larry's, champagne envelopments.
-Vendor Open House at Bubby's Brooklyn! Really excited for this : )
-An invite design based on the Ocho Rios map I made for Landra a year and a half ago.

And here is what i am doing in the next 3 months:
-Paulette and Joe's wedding photography
-Updating my website/changing the format so its more easy on the eyes...i may need an intern to help me with that one.
-More freelance photography!

I am so humbled that all of you have been so supportive of my work, and thank you for the kind messages. On top of all this I am working on some things that i cant quite reveal yet, but hope that i can let the cat out of the bag soon.

Wishing you all a prosperous new year

PS. the blog didn't get hacked, the google ads are legit, feel free to browse them.

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